Day 6: How To Learn Idioms & Slang..
Soleh Sugianto Hi again :) It's us, your English teachers... with another rule! We want you to think about something today: You have studied English for more than 4 years- why do you still have trouble understanding native speakers? Nothing is wrong with you. Something is wrong with the schools you went to, and the textbooks you used. English textbooks and audio tapes are horrible. You never learned real conversational English. You never learned casual English- the kind of English we use in normal conversations. You learned TEXTBOOK English. "Your teaching is excellent ! I´m very grateful to you. Thank you!" --Milan Hodac, Czech Republic **How To Understand Native Speakers Megdelio studied English for 5 years in Venezuela. Teachers said he was an advanced student. When he came to the USA he felt good. He was excited to meet Americans. He was ready. He wrote: " One day I tried to talk to an American woman and everything chan...