
Showing posts from February, 2012

Example Audit Checklist ISO 9001

AUDIT CHECKLIST FOR PRODUCTION PLANNING 1.     How is production planning performed? Eg. scheduling production runs (7.5.1) 2.     How do you ensure that the design is capable of being manufactured properly and consistently? (7.2.2) 3.     How do you make sure all the required materials are available and are available at the right time? (7.5.1) 4.     How do you make sure staff are suitably trained and/or qualified (6.2.2) 5.     How do you make sure the associated the documentation is produced and available? Eg: (7.5.1) -        Procedures/work instructions -        Codes of practice -        Quality plans -        drawings 6.     How do you ensure the environment is correct? (6.4) 7.     How do you make sure that production equipment has the right capability? (6....

Why an Energy Management Standard? ISO 50001

Most energy efficiency in industry is achieved through changes in how energy is managed in an industrial facility, rather than through installation of new technologies. An energy management standard provides a method for integrating energy efficiency into existing industrial management systems for continuous improvement All existing and planned energy management standards are compatible with ISO 9000/14000 Companies who have voluntarily adopted an energy management plan (a central feature of an EM standard) have achieved major energy intensity improvements. Key features of ISO 50001 • A strategic plan that requires measurement, management, and documentation for continuous improvement for energy efficiency • A cross-divisional management team led by a representative who reports directly to management and is responsible for overseeing the implementation of the strategic plan • Policies and procedures to address all aspects of energy purchase, use, and disposal • Projects to demonstrat...



Apakah Internal Audit bermanfaat ?

Internal audit bisa dilogikan sebagai check kesehatan tubuh kita. Tubuh kita adalah sistem, integrated sistem yang sempurna, sempurna karena yang menciptakan yang Maha Sempurna. Sistem mulai dari incoming barang (mulut), produksi atau Pekerjaan (mulai dari kunyahan di mulut, usus halus), pengiriman (oleh darah di kirim ke semua bagian organ yang membutuhkan), pengolahan lalu pembuangan tempat sampah (yang padat bisa melalui usus besar, yang cair melalui ginjal). Proses yang dibuang dibuat enak, katanya surga dunia. J Sistem tubuh pasti akan turun performancenya seiring dengan bertambahnya usia, jadi perlu dipastikan penurunannya tidak membuat shock karena ada organ yang sudah rusak kronis, jadi perlu check kesehatan. Check kesehatan dalam sistem organisasi dikenal dengan nama Audit. Audit bisa dilakukan oleh internal atau external . External adalah audit yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah, customer atau badan sertifikasi suatu sistem. Internal adalah audit yang dilakukan oleh depertamen y...