How To Use Your First Lesson

Soleh Sugianto
Hi. How are you today? We hope you're having a good day :)

We're writing to help you start the first lesson.

You should already have our lessons now, so we want to tell you how to use them.

We're very excited because soon you will speak English easily, and fast. English words will come out of your mouth-- automatically.

You'll feel relaxed and confident when you speak English. And you'll feel happy when you learn with our lessons. No more sad, boring lessons!

So, how do you use our lessons? Here are some suggestions
  • Start with the first Lesson Set named "Earthquakes"
  • Listen to all lessons in the set every day for 1 week (learn deeply)
  • Listen to the Mini-Story lesson two times a day (or more)
  • Answer the Mini-Story questions loudly :)
  • Do NOT think about grammar. Do NOT try to memorize
  • Just relax. Listen. Respond. Everything will happen automatically
Most importantly-- relax and smile as you listen to the lessons. If you don't want to speak yet, its OK. Our Effortless English is a "Listen First" system. Listening is most important.

It's OK to just listen. You will improve quickly and automatically if you listen every day. That is the key. Listen to the lessons 1 hour (or more) every day.

That is all you need to do. Do that, and we guarantee your success.

Good luck and enjoy the lessons!

Kristin Dodds, Joe Weiss, & AJ Hoge

PS: If you don't have my lessons yet, get them now and start the first lesson set today. Start immediately:


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