
Showing posts from March, 2010

Anjing Yang Rakus

Ada seekor anjing yang terasa bingung saking laparnya, seharian penuh tidak mendapatkan makanan. Saat senja tiba, akhirnya dengan penuh gairah ia melihat sepotong daging yang lezat di atas tanah, ia bergegas menggondol daging itu dan berlari ke tempat tinggalnya. Dalam hati dia merenung "sungguh beruntung sekali, di luar dugaan bisa mendapatkan daging besar ini, saya harus menikmati dengan sepuasnya." Sambil berjalan ia berpikir, dan tanpa disadari tiba di sebuah sungai, jika sudah melewati jembatan kecil berarti tempat tinggalnya sudah dekat, berpikir sampai di situ ia lantas menggigit lebih erat lagi daging itu, dan berjalan di atas jembatan penyeberangan. Ia berjalan dengan sangat hati-hati, ketika sampai di tengah jembatan, tanpa sengaja ia memandang ke sungai, dan begitu melihat ke sungai bukan main kagetnya, ia melihat ada seekor anjing di sungai itu, menggondol sepotong daging yang besar dan sedang menatapnya. Dalam hati ia mulai berpikir "wah, daging yang digondo...

Dikritik Para Blogger

Sosok George W Bush memang kontroversial. Mantan Presiden Amerika Serikat itu tengah dikritik para blogger karena aksi yang dinilai ‘tidak pantas’. Para blogger mengkritisi aksinya itu setelah melihat rekaman sebuah video yang menampilkan sosok dua mantan Presiden Amerika Serikat, George W Bush dan Bill Clinton, yang di-postingdi You Tube pada Selasa (23/3) lalu.Video ini menjadi hit dan menuai banyak kritik. Video itu diambil saat kedua mantan presiden negara Paman Sam ini mengunjungi korban gempa Haiti.Pada saat bersalam-salaman dengan para korban, salah satu kamera televisi tiba-tiba menangkap adegan ‘tidak pantas’ itu, yang akhirnya dikritik para blogger. Aksi yang berhasil ditangkap kamera televisi ini ialah saat Bush menyapukan tangannya di kemeja Clinton usai bersalaman dengan korban gempa. Dari adegan itu, muncul spekulasi bahwa Bush sengaja mengelap tangannya setelah bersalaman dan terkena keringat warga Haiti. Aksi ini dinilai tidak pantas dan mencurigai Bush sengaja melakuka...

Managing Partner of Human Resources

JILL B. SMART Title : Managing Partner of Human Resources Company/Headquarters: Accenture, New York Number of Employees : 100,000 Background : Jill is responsible for Accenture's global personnel management and capability development. Named one of the 100 Most Influential Women in Chicago by Crain's Chicago Business in 2004, she is a director of the United Way of Metropolitan Chicago and a trustee on the board of the Accenture Foundation. She also sits on the President's Advisory Committee at the University of Illinois. Greatest accomplishment: As I was about to have my first child, I got the phone call that I was about to be made a partner at Accenture. ... It wasn't achieving "partner" status, it was that my hard work had paid off. Greatest challenge or obstacle: Balancing my career and the needs of my family. I really have a great support system through Accenture. It's a great culture in terms of supporting each other. But even wi...

Chief People Officer

GAIL T. LOVELACE Title : Chief People Officer Company/Headquarters: General Services Administration, Washington Number of Employees : 13,000 Background: Gail has been with the GSA since 1979 and was named its CPO in 1998. In this capacity, she is responsible for agencywide human capital management. She is a member of the International Personnel Management Association and the Chief Human Capital Officers Council. She was named to the 2000 Human Resource Executive Honor Roll and was a 2002 honoree of the Presidential Rank Award as a distinguished executive. Greatest accomplishment: I know I've done my job well when I see people or organizations I've helped become successful. Greatest challenge or obstacle: My personal drive for perfection gets in the way sometimes. When you're in the people business, my kind of intensity can create problems. I've actually learned to relax a little bit. Future goals: I'd most like to make a meaningful difference in the wo...

Hanya Ingin Kau Tahu

G Ku telah miliki Bm Rasa indahnya perihku C Rasa hancurnya harapku D Kau lepas cintaku G Rasakan abadi Bm Sekalipun kau mengerti C Sekalipun kau pahami D Ku pikir ku salah mengertimu Reff # E Bm Aku hanya ingin kau tahu C Besarnya cintaku D Tingginya khayalku bersamamu E Bm Tuk lalui waktu yang tersisa kini C Di setiap hariku D Di sisa akhir nafas hidupku G Bm C D ow wooo wo wo wo G Bm Walaupun semua hanya ada dalam mimpiku C Hanya ada dalam anganku D Melewati hidup G Rasakan abadi Bm Sekalipun kau mengerti C Sekalipun kau pahami D Ku pikir ku salah mengertimu Back to Reff # by Republik

Cara Download Youtube

Siapa sih yang saat ini ga tau situs youtube..? Youtube merupakan sebuah situs yang dapat memberikan kita informasi dalam berbagai hal, yang dikemas dalam kemasan yang menarik yaitu dalam bentuk video. Dengan youtube, kita bisa mencari informasi yang kita inginkan, entah itu musik, artis favorit, film, dll. Sy sendiri termasuk salah satu penggemar dari youtube, maklumlah sebagai MILANISTI, taun ini agaknya taun yg begitu berat karna jarang sekali pertandingan-pertandingan milan yang ditayangin, jadinya mau ga mau harus cari alternatif lain biar bisa liat langsung pertandingannya. Dan alternatif itu adalah biasanya saya langsung download dari youtube ini. Permasalahannya, Klo kita liat, saat ini youtube sendiri belum kasih fasilitas buat download video tersebut secara langsung. Kurang afdol kan klo video yg kita suka ga bisa disimpan (apalagi klo buat pengoleksi video), mending klo pas liat di youtube tampilannya cepet, klo tersendat-sendat kan biasanya bikin es-mo-si juga.. hehe.. Lang...

Membuat Tulisan Dicoret

Untuk mencoret tulisan yang ada di buku kita, mungkin dah g aneh lagi…kita tinggal ambil alat tulis, lalu coret deh..nah, sekarang bagaimana caranya agar kita bisa mencoret tulisan yang ada di blog / website..bingung kan,. Tulisan dicoret ini banyak juga kegunaannya, salah satunya yg sy suka yaitu untuk promosi pasang iklan..misalnya buat yg mu pasang iklan di blog ini (sekalian promosi dikit, hihi) : Iklan ukuran 125 x 125 biayanya Rp. 15.000 / bulan Rp. 10.000 / bulan (Masa promosi) Iklan ukuran 426 x 60 biayanya Rp. 25.000 / bulan Rp. 20.000 / bulan (Masa Promosi) Klo diliat, sedikit menarik perhatian juga kan klo kita promosi iklannya seperti contoh di atas..dan btw, ada yang mau pasang iklan g nih di blog trik yuwie ni…klo mau, kasih tau aja y lewat form “Kontak Trik Yuwie ini”…hahahaha Buat bikin tulisan dicoret diatas..caranya gampang banget kq, sama kaya dulu bikin kelap-kelipkan kata / kalimat, caranya : K ata / Kalimat Yang Pengen Dicoret TULISAN yg TEBEL, itu tinggal kamu ...

Cara Pasang Tombol Donasi Via Paypal di Blog

Pasang tombol donasi via paypal akan sangat berguna buat kamu yang pengen terima donasi (sumbangan) dari pengunjung blog. donasi disini artinya bukan kita minta-minta, tapi barangkali ja ada pengunjung favorit atau yang suka ma artikel blog kita trus mereka pengen sedikit bantu blog kita bisa trus berkarya, y mereka bisa memberikan donasi via paypal ini..atau bisa juga ada orang yang mungkin terlalu kebanyakan duitnya di paypal trus dia pengen bagi2 rezekinya(mungkin btw, ada g y orang kaya gini, he3)..y mereka bisa kirim donasi lewat tombol ini.. Ngomong2 masalah donasi, trik yuwie juga pengen donk dikasih sumbangan (hahaha)..klo ada yang baek hati kasih donasi, jangan sungkan2 y..(becanda dink, tp jangan dianggep boong..he3).. Intermezzonya segitu ja, nah sekarang buat kamu yang pengen pasang tombol donasi tersebut..begini caranya : 1. Harus punya paypal dulu pastinya, klo belum punya.. klik disini .. 2. Login di paypal kamu, lalu pilih "Merchant Services" 3. Setela...

Trik Menaikkan PAGE RANK

Pagerank adalah representasi pentingnya sebuah website oleh google. Anda dapat mengetahui peringkat website anda dengan mendownload google toolbar (lakukan search “google toolbar” pada Beberapa cara untuk meningkatkan pagerank: • Sebuah situs dengan pagerank yang tinggi biasanya memiliki banyak situs yang menuju kepada situs tersebut. Jadi sebuah situs yang bagus, misalnya, tentu banyak situs lain yang memiliki link kepada Hal tersebut akan menaikkan pagerank dari Semakin banyak link dari situs lain, google akan mengganggap situs anda semakin penting. Banyak pihak yang mencoba melakukan trik-trik ilegal dengan membuat banyak link-link ke website anda. Jangan lakukan itu, karena google akan mengetahuinya cepat atau lambat. • Buatlah artikel atau bisnis yang baik. Ketika artikel atau bisnis anda baik, akan banyak orang yang akan menaruh link website anda dihalamannya dengan sukarela. Misalnya jika di website anda ada berita perselingkuhan suat...

Atasan Yang Tahu Beres

Dear All, Dalam radio talk Smart FM jam 7 pagi tadi (Smart Emotion), ada sms dan telpon yang menarik untuk dibahas, keduanya tentang atasan dan pekerjaan. Atasannya memberikan tugas yang tidak habis2nya sampai membuat mereka frustasi. Atasannya cuma mau tahu beres saja, tidak peduli dengan keadaan ataupun kesulitan yang dihadapi bawahannya yang manager/ kepala bagian. Saya sendiri pernah mempunyai atasan seperti itu tapi saya sangat menikmatinya. Loh, kok bisa…..? Sikap atasan: · Tidak memberikan arahan. · Maunya semua beres. · Semuanya dikerjakan oleh bawahan, jadi tidak jelas apa pekerjaannya. Saya merasa sangat enjoy dengan boss seperti itu karena: · Saya bisa melaksanakan tugas ‘dengan cara saya’ (My Way) · Tidak direcokin oleh atasan. · Banyaknya tugas membuat saya ‘harus’ mencari cara yang lebih efisien setiap saat, supaya tugas selesai semua dengan kualitas yang baik. Ini menjadi program ‘self development’ yang rutin. · Secara tidak r...

Agile Product Management with Scrum: Understanding the Product Owner Role

A new product is launched with great expectations—and bombs. What went wrong? There was no single person responsible for leading the effort to create a winning product—a product owner. This chapter explores the role of the product owner. It explains the role's authority and responsibility as well as how the role should be applied. I once worked on a new health-care product destined to replace its predecessor. The new system was intended to provide more value for the customers and leapfrog the competition. After over two years of development, the new product was launched with great expectations—and bombed. What went wrong? Somewhere between the idea and the launch, the product vision was lost amid the many handoffs. Product marketing performed the market research, wrote the product concept, and passed the concept on to the product manager. The product manager wrote the requirements specification and handed it off to the project manager, who passed it on to the development teams. The...

Affiliate Marketing

Definition: Revenue sharing between online advertisers/merchants and online publishers/salespeople, whereby compensation is based on performance measures, typically in the form of sales, clicks, registrations, or a hybrid model. Also Known As: associate marketing. By Laura Lake, Guide

Six Strategies to Becoming a Successful Affiliate

Affiliate marketing is a low-cost way for merchants to build awareness and showcase their products and services. The model is simple; it works as a commission-based referral system. A partner or affiliate markets a merchant's products for a "piece of the pie." Affiliate marketing experts often make an income that can tally over five figures per month, however only 1 to 5% of thousands of marketers achieve this level. When an affiliate reaches this elite level they are often referred to as a "super" affiliate. How does one become a super affiliate? Can anyone do it? Super affiliates have common tactics that they embrace and put into place. Anyone can become a super affiliate, but it will not come without blood, sweat, and a hefty time commitment. The typical super affiliate possesses the following traits: * Persistence * Patience * Thirst for Knowledge These three traits combined with the following strategy gives you the formula for the makings of a ...

Affiliate Marketing

Developing and managing an affiliate marketing program effectively could give you a real boost in your business results. Use these resources to learn how to plan and manage your affiliate marketing campaign. * How to Create a Successful Affiliate Marketing Program A successful affiliate marketing program takes time to build, but with a bit of effort it has the ability to increase your Internet sales noticeably. Learn how you can create a successful affiliate marketing program for your products and services.

How to Create a Successful Affiliate Marketing Program

Affiliate marketing is often termed as one of the best online marketing programs that are available to small business. Why? There is no risk when it comes to affiliate marketing, you only pay after the results are delivered. Using an affiliate marketing program you agree to pay your affiliate partners a referral fee for each lead or sale that is generated. There are many affiliate program available on the Internet today, so it's important to make yours stand out and catch the attention of professional affiliate marketers. Once you've done that you are well on your way to a successful campaign. Here are some tips on how you can make your affiliate program stand out from the multitudes that are available: 1. Claim a niche market. Don't try to sell everything to everyone. This is the quickest way to fail in your adventure. 2. Locate niche partners. Once you've claimed your niche market research and find web sites that have viewers interested in your niche market. You will...

Introduce for 5S

Tentunya kita sudah sering mendengar apa itu PDCA, yaitu Plan-Do-Check and Action. Artinya segala sesuatu yang akan kita lakukan atau kerjakan harus kita rencanakan dengan sebaik-baiknya. Rencana adalah setengah dari keberhasilan. Kita buat schedule selama sebulan, 6 bulanan aatau dalam setahun, hal-hal apa saja yang akan kita kerjakan. Buatlah schedule sedetail mungkin, dari No, Item, Nama, Waktu, jam, kapan berhasil tidaknya--> evaluasi sampai pemberian reward kalau ada. Susunlah Basic Plannning Anda seringkas dan sedetail mungkin dengan tujuan setiap orang yang membaca atau melihat akan jelas, tanpa harus bertanya pada anda.

Seiso, Sweep, Rapi

Seiso, the third step in "5S", says that 'everyone is a janitor.' Seiso consists of cleaning up the workplace and giving it a 'shine'. Cleaning must be done by everyone in the organization, from operators to managers. It would be a good idea to have every area of the workplace assigned to a person or group of persons for cleaning. No area should be left uncleaned. Everyone should see the 'workplace' through the eyes of a visitor - always thinking if it is clean enough to make a good impression. Seiso involves cleaning everything, keeping it clean daily, and using cleaning to inspect the workplace and equipment for defects. This is an action to clean the workplace daily. Actions items: 1. Take "before" photographs. 2. Adopt cleaning as a daily activity and as a part of inspection. Clean the workplace before starting of the job and before closing the job. 3. Put aside 10 or 15 minutes for the same activity per day. 4. Cleaning indirectly helps ...

5S Sebagai Pendekatan Membangun Budaya Kerja Yang Efektif

Article No.: ART-005 Title: 5R/5S - sebagai pendekatan membangun budaya kerja yang efektif Author: Maskal Novessro First Published: 18 February 2009 Last Revision: A/02/2009 Date: 18 February 2009 Pages: 4 (with cover) Pendahuluan Penerapan sistem manajemen mutu tidak terlepas dari budaya kerja organisasi yang bersangkutan. Semakin baik budaya kerja organisasi tersebut, semakin efektif sistem manajemen mutu ISO 9000 yang diterapkan, Sebaliknya juga benar, semakin efektif sistem manajemen mutu ISO 9000 yang diterapkan pada suatu organisasi, semakin baik budaya kerja dalam organisasi tersebut. 5R, yaitu: Ringkas-Rapi- Resik-Rawat-Rajin, atau 5S dalam bahasa Jepang, yaitu: Seiri-Seiton-Seiso-Seiketsu-Shitsuke, merupakan suatu program terstruktur yang secara sistematis menciptakan ruang kerja (workplace) yang bersih, teratur dan terawat dengan baik. Lebih jauh lagi, di Jepang, 5R merupakan suatu filosofi dan suatu cara mengorganisasikan dan mengelola ruang kerja dengan menghilangkan pembo...

Perbedaan ISO 9K dan ISO/TS 16949

Pada dasarnya ISO/TS 16949 sama dengan ISO 9001, yang membedakan adalah bahwa dalam ISO/TS 16949 adanya PPAP, MSA FMEA, APOP, dan MSA. Sedikit tambaha mengenai perbedaan ISO 9k dan ISO/TS 16949 ISO 9k mewajibkan 6 prosedur ISO/TS: - 7 prosedur wajib (+ prosedur pelatihan) - Core Tools (PPAP, APQP, FMEA, SPC, MSA) - Penunjukan Customer representative - Contingency plan ("tindakan yg sudah disiapkan" untuk mencegah terhentinya proses produksi yg mengakibatkan gagalnya produk terkirim ke customer) - Cross multi function team - Control plan - Ada 3 type audit: QMS audit, Process audit, Product audit - Audit dilakukan pada semua shift. - dll

7 Quick Tips on How To Start A Blog

A question on a lot of people’s minds these days, is how to start a blog. Blogging refers to the current trend of posting online weblogs. Millions of people post blogs daily. Blogging is a culture that developed in countries like US & UK. But it has being adopted in third world nations like India and China where very few people know about blogging and Wordpress. Why do I need a blog ? Blogs are the best way to spread your message online to the world, whether it is your personal information about your life that you want to share or publicize about your business. Writing blogs is an simple yet effective way to communicate your ideas & messages on the web. Whatever your goals are, here are few simple tips that will get you started . 1. Get The Right Platform You can start blogging with Blogger, WordPress, Live journal, Typepad etc. which offer you a free account to set your own blog up with the click of a button. However, I highly recommend getting a real domain name and having it...

Setting Up Your First Blog

Who else is in the process of setting up their first blog ? If you are , Congratulations! It’s a big step. Setting up your first blog or website is a great idea for so many reasons. It simply Globalizes you where Anyone can reach you Anytime of the day from Anywhere in the world. Sounds interesting right . Read here to learn the Benefits of having a blog . Choose the best Platform to blog. Primarily bloggers head for three available platforms namely (1) and (2) , both of which are free and have limited functionality . The third option is (3) Wordpress Self Hosted blogs . We recommend Wordpress Self Hosted blogs as it allows flexibility and more options to customize and personalize your blog and manage it efficiently . Read here for Why we recommend Wordpress for Blogging ? So Where Do We Start ? Ok , lets begin . There are primarily three phases to the process of creating your blog . 1. The first phase is to buy a domain like .com or .org where people can acc...

Nice Blogging

If written material is an art, then, blogging is a way of using phrases to come to an art. This is because people who are blogging are the ones who are artistic on their own sense, carefully choosing words that best describe their feelings, feelings, desires, wishes and everything. Initially, blogs were first introduced as weblogs that refer to a registry of "file server." Web log was created when he left the virtual marketplace. Since its origination in the mid-1990s, little by little web log saturated the virtual community of the Internet a viable source of information. However, with web logging, you still need a website and domain names, but with blogs, not all providers have only one blog post. In most cases, these free blogs. With the onset of blogging in the industry, the diary had been a common ground for people who want to know everyone. The personality, however, not literally famous as this is not an issue to be popular or famous. In general, blogs are created for pe...


Namanya telah melegenda. Dikagumi oleh orang-orang, termasuk orang terkenal sekalipun. Tidak hanya memiliki skill bermain golf yang luar biasa, namun juga ditambahi dengan sikapnya yang berbudi. Anak-anak keturunan minoritas di AS mengidolakannya. "Ingin seperti Tiger," demikian impian masa depan mereka. Eldrick "Tiger" Woods lahir di Long Beach, California, 30 Desember 1975. Darah yang mengalir di tubuhnya sudah campur sari. Ayahnya, Earl Woods, setengah kulit hitam namun juga keturunan kulit putih dan Indian. Ibunya, Kultida, ialah orang Thailand dengan setengah darah Thailand dan setengah darah Cina. Nama Tiger Woods melambung tinggi berkat kehebatannya dalam bermain golf. Dia memecahkan banyak rekor, dari segi hasil pukulan, kemenangan, dan umur pencapaian. Namun yang lebih patut dicermati ialah sikap mentalnya yang luar biasa. Dia menjadi pemain hebat karena motivasi yang tinggi, "Aku ingin menjadi pegolf terbaik sepanjang masa." Salah satu tantangan ...

10 perilaku tdk sehat yg mempercepat ketuaan

Berikut ini 10 perilaku tidak sehat yang sering kita lakukan, serta cara mengatasinya: *1. Stress Berlebihan* Sejak dulu, kita tahu bahwa stres yang berlebihan dapat menurunkan daya tahan tubuh seseorang dan memacu resiko penyakit jantung, serta membuat kita tidak nyaman. Stres yang berlebihan juga memacu penuaan dini. Ibu-ibu yang memiliki anak-anak dengan penyakit kronis merupakan orang-orang yang mengalami stres, dan mengalami penuaan dini yang paling ekstrim. Cara cepat untuk mengurangi stres adalah dengan menarik nafas dalam-dalam yang disebut dengan pernafasan difragmatik. Untuk jangka panjangnya,luangkan waktu untuk melakukan hal-hal yang dapat mengurangi stres Anda. *2. Minum Alkohol* Bukan merupakan suatu kebetulan bila alkohol merupakan kabar buruk mengenai stres. Para wanita sebaiknya membatasi diri meminum minuman beralkohol.Berbagai gangguan kesehatan juga bisa timbul dari kebiasaan minum alkohol yang berlebihan. Termasuk serangan jantung, kangker hati, kanker tenggorokan,...

Membangun Bisnis Berbasis Operation Excellence

Kita makin menyadari tertekannya industri Indonesia menghadapi serbuan produk dari luar negeri dengan harga sangat bersaing, terutama dengan bangkitnya industri China yang luar biasa. Bagaimana kita harus menyiasati di tengah tekanan yang berupa ekonomi biaya tinggi, produktivitas kerja yang rendah, peraturan ketenagakerjaan belum disepakati, infrastruktur seperti transportasi yang di bawah standar, permintaan menurun karena daya beli pasar melemah dan sebagainya? Business transformation management (BTM) yang mengkhususkan membangun operation excellence company akan menjadi solusi terpadu yang membangun kembali daya saing berbasis biaya rendah, kecepatan menghasilkan produk bermutu dan transaksi yang mudah dan cepat. Kalau kita ingat bahwa prinsip yang dianut perusahaan dengan operation excellence value discipline adalah perusahaan yang bersaing di pasar dengan mengandalkan kemampuan menghasilkan produk dan atau jasa mengkombinasikan antara mutu, harga, kecepatan/ketepatan, pengiriman/...

Seperti Tong Kosong Berbunyi Nyaring... Itulah Minta Maaf Tak Disertai Tindakan

Renungkan sejenak, apakah hanya dengan kita meminta maaf kepada orang lain atas segala kesalahan yang telah dibuat akan menyelesaikan semua persoalan. Janganlah pernah untuk berpikir demikian. Jutaan kata maaf yang meluncur bertubi-tubi bagaikan deras air terjun tak akan mampu menutup kran yang bocor ataupun perahu kayu yang bocor. Berbuatlah sesuatu itulah tindakan yang mampu menyelamatkan keterpurukan yang lebih dalam dari hubungan pertemanan, persahabatan, persaudaraan bahkan keharmonisan keluarga yang retak oleh nilai-nilai kehidupan entah ketidakkepercayaan, ketidakkejujuran, kepalsuan, dan segala nilai keburukan lainnya. Luka yang sudah ditoreh akibat kesalahan yang kita lakukan mestinya diobati dengan ketulusan maaf dan tindakan perbaikan. Ironisnya kita lebih menyukai mengumbar kata maaf kosong dan membiarkan luka hati orang lain semakin menganga akibat tindakan kezaliman kita. Perbedaan tentulah sangat jelas, antara kata-kata yang terucap dengan tindakan yang diperbuat Percaya...

Dibalik Tembok

Seorang anak muda berbicara dengan gurunya. Ia bertanya, “Guru, bisakah engkau tunjukkan dimana jalan menuju sukses ?” Uhm….., Sang guru terdiam sejenak. Tanpa mengucapkan sepatah kata, sang guru menunjuk ke arah sebuah jalan. Anak muda itu segera berlari menyusuri jalan yang ditunjukkan sang guru. Ia tak mau membuang-buang waktu lagi untuk meraih kesuksesan. Setelah beberapa saat melangkah tiba-tiba ia berseru, “Ha! Ini jalan buntu!” Benar, di hadapannya berdiri sebuah tembok besar yang menutupi jalan. Ia terpaku kebingungan, “Barangkali aku salah mengerti maksud sang guru.” Kembali, Anak muda itu berbalik menemui sang guru untuk bertanya sekali lagi, “Guru, yang manakah jalan menuju sukses?” Sang guru tetap menunjuk ke arah yang sama. Anak muda itu kembali berjalan ke arah itu lagi. Namun yang ditemuinya tetap saja sebuah tembok yang menutupi. Ia berpikir, ini pasti hanya gurauan. Dan anak muda itupun merasa dipermainkan. Emosi dan dengan penuh amarah ia menemui sang guru, “Guru, a...

Better Results with Active Listening

Jason De Boer Listening is one of the most common and important things that we do. Recent research on work behaviour suggests that we spend approximately 9% of our time writing, 16% of our time reading, 30% of our time talking and 45% of our time listening. Listening is a fundamental part of the communication process. Regardless of the type of job you do or the industry in which you work, it is important to understand the listening process, have an awareness of barriers to listening effectively, and learn how to listen actively. Listening as a process Hearing and listening are not the same thing. In fact, hearing is just the first of three stages in the listening process, all of which are fairly obvious but still worth remembering. - Hearing Simply the process of sound waves being transformed by our brains into impulses. - Attention Important so that we can hear what is being said to us, but often difficult due to distractions such as noise intrusion or internal distractions such as th...

Feeling Free

By Ferida Wolff I woke up feeling cranky. I didn't want to do housework, though the laundry was piling up. I didn't want to read the work I brought home from the office. I didn't want to do anything that resembled responsible behavior. It was that kind of day. As I drank my morning tea, I thought I felt a headache coming on. Yes, there it was, a dull throb just behind my eyes. Maybe I should go back to bed until it subsided. As I put the dishes in the sink, it seemed that my muscles were beginning to ache. Or was the ache in my joints? That could mean I was coming down with the flu. Everyone I knew had the flu this year. Why should I be the one to escape it? I absolutely should be in bed. I shuffled back to bed, wiggled under the covers and shut my eyes. Another couple of hours of sleep would be so nice, only I was now completely awake. I ought to get up. But no, there was that headache and the beginning of a sniffle. Better get the tissues. On my way back f...

Don't Let Conflict Keep You from Success

by Chris Widener Anytime you are making ground and moving toward success, there will inevitably be the opportunity for conflict. That is just a fact of life. You put two people or more in a group and there is potential for conflict - and conflict, improperly handled, can destroy your ability to continue on and achieve your goals. This is true in many areas of life, from the boardroom to the schoolroom. It can happen in marriage and it can happen between friends and business associates. And when conflict goes bad, success doesn't happen. The good news is that conflict can be healthy and can actually move you closer to success. Success is based on relationships and relationships offer the chance of conflict, so to get success, you must master conflict. So with that in mind, here are some ideas for handling conflict. When you are the one who is confronting the problem with someone else: 1. Don't assume. Don't assume the worst. Don't assume that they meant what you thi...



Top 10 Marketing Tips

Marketing is not only about offering something to someone. It is an art that you can learn and master, in you are willing to learn. Marketing is not a rocket science that need high IQ to master. Everybody can learn it, even a young boy. So why do many marketers failed? Simple, that’s because they don’t have needed skills for creating a successful marketing campaign. .. So here’s the Top 10 Marketing Tips that you can apply to make a better marketing result : Know your target market.Successful campaign is a targeted campaign. For many countless times, marketing campaigns all over the world failed because the marketer didn’t target the right market. So please, do the market research in detail. Focus in one offer. Human brain can’t think about two different things at once. They need to finish (or skip) one thinking to be able to think about another. So don’t offer many products/services at once. Focus on just one offer. Split test. Always test and measure every campaign made by you. Don’...


Bagaimana cara memasang banner PerfectMoney agar bisa menghasilkan dollar? Untuk bisa menghasilkan dollar hanya dari memasang banner, silahkan ikuti langkah-langkah berikut ini: 1. Silahkan registrasi untuk mendapatkan account di PerfectMoney. Sepertinya sa tidak perlu menjelaskan bagaimana langkah-langkahnya untuk bagian ini. Ikuti saja perintah yang diberikan. Setelah selesai kita akan mendapatkan sebuah nomor pin yang berguna sebagai link referral kedalam email kita. 2. login ke PerfectMoney, cari link PM for Bussines dibagian bawah. 3. Untuk mengikuti program pasang banner data dollar centang dinomor 2 saja 4. Pastikan kita mendapatkan email dari PM kalau blog kita sukses diterima ikutan PM for Business. 5. Selanjutnya silahkan pasang banner baik pakai kode dalam email maupun pilih banner sendiri di halaman ‘Affiliate Program’ (klik di sebelah menu ‘PM for Business’). Untuk banner yang diminta adalah ukuran 150×75 6. Beritahu pihak PerfectMoney via contact kalau banner sudah terpas...

How much do I earn per click? Max bid is the maximum that the advertiser is willing to pay for each click. The real cost-per-click of each advertiser is $0.01 above the next closest competitor. BidVertiser will always display the highest bidders on your site, assuring the maximum revenue possible at any given time, while maximizing the effectiveness of our advertisers' ads. Do I get paid for every click? We pay our publishers only for legitimate clicks, meaning, clicks that were generated by the website visitors that willingly clicked on the ads because they found it appealing. Few examples of clicks that we do not recognize as legitimate: 1. Continuous clicks on the same ad. 2. Continuous clicks on each of the ads in the same ad block. 3. Clicks generated by automated scripts. 4. Clicks generated from an ad that was not placed on its associated URL. We strive to provide you with the most effective revenue program, while delivering the most targeted and qualified traffic to you...

Speed Reading Simplified - By Carlo Cabrera

Readers are leaders, and in this article you will learn several simple-to-implement Speed Reading Secrets that will assist you in efficiently absorbing all that information out there. First Speed Reading Secret! Before we begin, here's a concept that you MUST understand about speed reading: shaving just a fraction-of-a-second off every page that your read will create a HUGE difference in your reading rate. Even if you were able to shave just 1 second off the time it takes you to read a page, that would still be FIVE minutes off a normal 300-page book! So, it's not always necessary to aim for the spectacular --just a little growth here and there will make a world of difference. Even when it comes to something as basic as paging and pacing techniques... When it comes to speed reading, learning to use your hands correctly and efficiently will require that you train yourself to accomplish the following 3 tasks: 1. Use your hands to guide and pace your eye movements through the text...